Survival Secrets of the Pros

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What to expect

When you watch survival TV it is easy to forget that these skills may now be known by a select few, but once upon a time most of them were the chores of the youngest children in each tribe.  This class is all about letting young adventurers perform the same skills as their heroes on TV. This class is based on a different skill each time, please sign up below or regularly check our calendar as we are always adding projects.  If you missed something you would really enjoy, let us know, we can always schedule a repeat. Think of this class as an outdoors YouTube live class based on the last cool thing I did with my own adventurers. 

A few examples:

  1. The Viking nut cracker and vise

  2. Burn bowls

  3. Basket making

  4. The ultimate kids friendly cross bow

  5. The single pole back yard teepee

  6. Building an herbarium

  7. As seen on TV

  8. Making a compass from a chunk of wood

  9. Primitive techniques from around the world

  10. And so, so much more

    Who is this module for

    If you watch survival TV, these are the projects for you.  Each skill will have different prerequisite skill and age requirements attached to them.  We are often asked if younger adventurers can just watch, absolutely this class is amazing for anyone with a growing interest in the outdoors. 
