Track identification and scavenger hunts


What to expect

There is something mystical about being able to read the forest floor.  Once young adventurers learn the basics of track identification, every walk, even around the block, becomes a treasure hunt.

This is one of our most popular classes for brick and mortar and home school programs.  Track identification, more than almost anything else, seems to drive young adventurers to encyclopedias, google searches, and other self-driven future studies. 

Learning to identify their first track has a magical way of increasing their natural urge to investigate who, what, when, where, why, and how. 

Who is this class for

Any adventurer who is starting to spot the difference will have fun, but the age that seems to take home the most, generally speaking, are 5 and up.  If you already spend a lot of time around animals or outdoors I would change that to 3 and up, but this is based on my children as even my 1 year old stares at the ground excitedly babbling about what she thinks she has found.
